
Your race kit should contain:

  • Swim Cap (1)
  • Sticker with race number (3) for the helmet, (1) for the bike
  • Ankle Band with Chip (1)
  • Bib number with Chip (1) (no race belt provided, bring your own)

Bike and race kit setup:

The chip is essential for the timing. Wear it on the ankle as shown. In case of a wetsuit the chip must be on top of it.

Instructions for use

The bike sticker shall be attached so it is visible from both sides of the bicycle.

Fix the bib number on a race belt. Turn on the back for the bike section. Turn in front for the run section. No race belt is provided by the organisers. You must bring your own.

Directions for Putting on Timing Chip Band:

  • Place the band on ankle with words “Swim, Bike, Run” showing Face Up.
  • Place the gap between the foam tags at the center of the ankle. Make sure one foam spacer is located on the right side of the ankle and the other on the left side of the ankle – Per photo #1.
  • Adjust and attach the Band by inserting two fingers to create space between the ankle and the Band – Per photo #2.
  • Be sure your hands are completely clean so as not to affect the adhesive with sunscreen, Vaseline etc.
  • For the timing Band to work properly, it must be on the outside of all clothing. Do not cover with wetsuit.
  • A backup timing chip is behind your Race Number. It is very important not to remove it.

Evet Day Schedule:

Bike check-in 05:30 – 07:00 Transition Area
Middle Distance Triathlon Start 7:30 Nissi Beach
Triathlon Distance Start 8:00 Nissi Beach
Sprint Distance Start 8:20 Nissi Beach
Award Ceremony 14:30 Taverna-Nissi Beach Resort

Bike Check -in:

  • Access only to athletes wearing a race wrist
  • Before entering the Transition Area:
    • Visual Bike and Helmet check
    • Wrist band OK
    • Bib number OK
  • Rack your bike according to your race number
  • Helmet and shoes can be on your bike
  • Other race kit in the box provided
  • Cycling in TA is not permitted
  • The TA must be always kept tidy

The swim:

  • Wetsuit will be optional.
  • A beach mass start with a run from the beach.
  • Leave all buoys to your left

Middle Distance

Start Time 7:30

Distance 1.9Km– 2 Laps (B1-B2-B3-B1) x2

Triathlon Distance

Start time 8:00

Distance1500m – 2Laps (B1-B4-B5-B1) x2

Sprint Distance

Start time 8:00

Distance 750m – 1 Lap (B1-B4-B5-B1) x1

The bike:

  • Helmets must be worn before the bike is removed from its position on the racks.
  • Don´t mount your bike, before the marked mount line.
  • Team Transition area – At the bike spot of the team.
  • Always ride as far as possible to the left.
  • Always overtake from the right.
  • Never cross the centre line of the road.
  • Do not liner – you will be penalized if spotted.
  • Follow the general rules of traffic, be aware of cars.
  • Drafting is not allowed.
  • Middle Distance
    • 90Km– 5 Laps
  • Sprint Distance
    • 24Km – 1 Lap
  • Triathlon Distance
    • 40Km – 2 Laps

Points of Critical Importance on the course:






  • Ayia Napa Triathlon is a non-drafting event.
  • Legal distance: 12m x 3m between bikes
  • Front wheel to front wheel
  • complete your overtake within 25sec
  • Always make forward progress
  • drop 12 meters back after being passed

Penalties for Drafting

  • Technical Officials will notify the athletes who draft that they are subject to a time penalty of:
    • One minute for the Sprint distance
    • Two minutes for standard Triathlon distance.
    • Five minutes for the Middle distance
  • The third drafting offence will lead to disqualification.

The Run:

  • No outside assistance.
  • No iPod, headphones, cell phone or cameras.
  • No littering.
  • Keep your torso covered.
  • Keep your BIB-number visible on the front.
  • Middle Distance 21Km – 3 laps
  • Olympic Distance 10Km – 2 laps
  • Sprint Distance 5Km – 1 lap

Cut-off times

Middle distance

  • Swim:  Athletes will have 1h to complete the swim.
  • Bike:  4 hours and 30 minutes after the start.
  • Run:  7 hours after the start.
  • Total Time Cut-off: The race will officially end 7 hours after the start. Each athlete will have 7 hours to complete the race.

Triathlon & Sprint

There will be no cut-off times for the Standard Triathlon and Sprint distances.h

Aid Stations:

  • There will be one Aid station on the bike course and one Aid station on the run course.
  • The Bike Aid Station will offer water in bottles and will be located near the police roundabout in the bike loop. It is the athlete’s own responsibility to collect the bottles from the tables in the AID stations. We don’t guarantee volunteers to hand it to you “on the fly”. To use the aid station
    • slow down on approach!!
    • It is a slow speed area

Mobile Medical Stations:

  • Bike course – Cape Greco Environmental Information & Education Centr
  • Run course -Run aid station

After Race Area offers you:

  • Finisher Medal
  • Fruits and water
  • Music & Ambiance
  • Medical assistance
  • Toilets

Award Ceremony:

  • Finisher Medal
  • Fruits and water
  • Music & Ambiance
  • Medical assistance
  • Toilets

Award Ceremony:

14:30 at Nissi Taverna

Age Categories (1st, 2nd, 3rd)

Middle Distance Triathlon Sprint
Male / Female 20-29 Male / Female 20-29 Male / Female 15-18
Male / Female 30-39 Male / Female 30-39 Male / Female 19-29
Male / Female 40-49 Male / Female 40-49 Male / Female 30-39
Male / Female 50 and over Male / Female 50 and over Male / Female 40-49
Team Relay  Team Relay Male / Female 50 and over
 Team Relay


will be posted on the event’s website

Bike Check-out:

15:00 Transition Area

  • Bikes can be picked after the award’s ceremony is finished
  • Opens at 15:00 pm
  • Only by showing your BIB number and wristband to the official at the exit

Do you have any Questions?

Please Send us an email:


Be friendly to the volunteers and give them your best smile!

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