The registration for 2018 Larnaca Triathlon is now closed. With two days remaining to the race we kindly ask you to check if the information in the Start List is correct. In case you think that, something is wrong please notify us as soon as possible.
Please note that there will be one briefing session: on Saturday 12th of May at sea n’ Lake View Hotel apts between 18:00 and 20:00. Athlete’s bags will be handed out during the briefing. The Briefing will be contacted in English. Failure to attend will relieve the organisers in case of misunderstandings in relation with the information included or discussed during the briefing. Also, you can find the online briefing here.
Check the schedule and be on time. Enter / Leave the TA only when you are allowed.
If you are commuting from another town with your own transportation, please use the parking area at Makenzy which is free of charge for the race courtesy of the Municipality of Larnaca.
Upon arrival if you already have your athlete’s bag, mount your bike first and proceed to the registration area to collect you timing chip. Otherwise go first to the Registration area.
Familiarize yourself with the regulations, courses, instructions for the use of chip, BIB numbers, bike numbers. You need to wear the bib number on the back for the bike section and turn it in front for the run section. No race belt is provided by the organisers. You should bring your own. There will be a limited number of race belts for sale during the briefing on Saturday and at the registration desk on Sunday.
For more information please visit the website:
Finally, we ask for your support and cooperation in following the Rules to have a successful, safe, fair and fun event that every competitor will enjoy.