Sprint Triathlon is ideal for those competitors who are new to the sport or those who are just into speed. The venue in the beautiful sea front of Limassol is made to order to offer just that. Also this distance offers a good opportunity for corporate relay participation.
The event is complemented by a Super Sprint triathlon which is a great introduction into the world of triathlons and bridges the gap between novice and Sprint triathlons.
Only a few days remain until Limassol Triathlon. We kindly ask you to check if the information in the Final Start List is correct. In case you think that something is wrong please notify us before Friday the 2nd of November 2018. There will be no changes in the morning of the race.
Below you will find frequently asked questions and important information regarding the event. Please read them carefully. We ask for your support and cooperation in following the Rules to have a successful, safe and fair event that every competitor will enjoy.
· When and where can I pick-up my race bag?
Sunday 4th of November, 7:00-8:00 at the Transition area, during registration.
We recommend that you arrive early enough on the race day to register.
· When is the briefing?
On the race day there will be a short briefing before the start. Make sure to familiarize yourself with the race course and the flow of the transition area.
· What is the race schedule?
7:00-8:00 | Registration |
8:45 | Briefing |
9:00 | Super sprint start |
9:10 | Sprint start |
11:00 | Awards |
· Will roads be closed to traffic?
The roads will be closed to traffic from 7:30. At all times the participants must anticipate that cars can be in the course due to violation of the road closures or due to emergencies.
We draw your attention to the turnaround points and the mount/ dismount area where you must be especially careful. Slow down as needed to be safe to yourself and the other competitors.
· Where do I put the chip?
The chip should be exposed (image). If you are using a wetsuit please leave the timing chip exposed. Make sure to hand it over to the official at the finish line after you finish the race. An additional timing chip is behind your race number. Please do not remove. Fix the bib number on a race belt. Turn on the back for the bike section. Turn in front for the run section. No race belt is provided by the organisers. You must bring your own. There will be a limited number of Race Belts on sale on the race morning.
· Do I need a wetsuit?
Wetsuits will be allowed as optional.
· What is the start method?
The athletes will start in two waves with a run from the beach.
The Super Sprint will start at 9:00 and the Sprint at 9:10
· Is the helmet optional?
The helmet is mandatory. Anyone without a helmet will be disqualified.
· Is drafting allowed?
Drafting is not allowed. The non-drafting rule will be enforced by referees.
Be sure that you are familiar with the Competition Rules and especially with the Drafting Rule.
It is very important during the bike course to stay always at the very left side of the lane allowing faster competitors to over pass from your right. Overtaking from the left leads immediately to disqualification.
· Can I listen to music?
No. Earphones are prohibited by the Competition Rules during the whole race duration.
· Do I need to count laps?
Yes. It is the competitors’ responsibility to count the laps. For the purpose of timing laps are counted electronically both in the cycle and run.
· What time is the Awards Ceremony?
The Award Ceremony will start at 11:00.
· When can I pick-up my bike?
Bike can be picked after the award’s ceremony is finished.
· What if I need more information?
Please contact us as soon as possible at info@nireastriathlon.com
Good luck and enjoy the race!!
7:00-8:00 |
Registration |
8:00 |
Water temperature |
8:45 |
Briefing |
9:00 |
Super sprint start |
9:10 |
Sprint start |
11:00 |
Awards |
Exhibitors /
- max available space 12 sqm in close proximity to the Transition area
- Power supply available
- Cost 250 Euros payable in advance
- setup must be completed one hour prior to the race start
For more Information please contact:
Panagiotis Ntais
Email: panagiotis.ntais@nireas.org
Phone: +357 99444447
P.O.Box 28047
2090 Strovolos
Sprint Individual
Sprint Relay Team
Super Sprint Individual
750m swim, 20Km bike, 5Km run
750m swim, 20Km bike, 5Km run
300m swim, 10Km bike, 2.5Km run